Saturday, January 8, 2011

The ultimate facebook status.

Like my friend Laura, I was tempted to get a twitter because of the fact that I feel like changing my status every five minutes. So instead they shall be documented here. Hello over tiredness and trying to calm down enough for sleep...

My kitten is adorable. However, she likes to use her teeth way too much! If only her and I didn't have opposite sleeping schedules.

School starts on Monday. You know what this means? Maybe life can have balance again, and it's the beginning of my dreams.

This year undoubtedly will be the year when my best friend and I will unite. =) I can feel it! This makes me more than happy, for she is the best part of me.

My kitty is purring =) However she is not holding still for my photos that I want to take of her cute little self.

Maybe if I was exercising as much instead of being on facebook I would reach my goal a lot faster. In fact, this is a fact.

I should go to bed earlier. Then I wouldn't be in the predicament I'm in now, in which I'm so over tired that I'm not tired. Oh dear.. I work tomorrow too...

Obsession with pictures! I say YES!

Sometimes I wish that the answers to questions were written somewhere, or spoken somewhere, or even known in general. Then again, if all our questions were answered.. life would be a lot less interesting...

Why can't my kitten stay little forever?

What happened to that guy who wrote me the love letter when I was thirteen? Oh well =P It doesn't really matter now!

That was way too difficult of a summer.. technically, shouldn't I still be trying to get over it though?

'The Secret'...

The universe is simply wonderful! Everything seems to be panning out the way it should. It's amazing how much I feel at peace and in balance with the universe.

I love my ring... =D

Dear boy: you shall remain anonymous as I gush about how awesome you are. I'm so lucky!

School? School? Is it really only going to be happening in a few days??? EEEEKKK!!!!!!!!

Wouldn't it be cool if animals could create in the way that we can? Maybe they secretly can.. and we just don't know it..

Losing friends is hard. However, there is only one friendship I dream of getting back. If I could get that one friendship back, I would never complain about the other friendships I've lost again.. please...?

Why are men so much less annoying than girls?

Question everything. Clearly I believe in this, especially if you think I'm a scientist. Best insult I've ever gotten!

I want to live my life full of surprises. There's people who do all these awesome things, I want to be one of those people.

It's so much easier to be happy than be miserable. Who would've thought!

As I'm doing this I'm watching 'The Bee Movie'

MOST AMAZING EXPERIENCE TODAY! I allowed myself to surrender to positivity and excitement. I'll try to remember tomorrow what it was about and elaborate more on this amazing experience.

I dislike drama.

I believe strongly that we draw the types of people whom we are most like. Those people who aren't as similar, generally leave in one way or other. Unfortunate but it is the line of life...

Are dolphins aliens? I would love to have a conversation with a dolphin. Maybe that's a worthwhile language to invest in learning.. they are very intelligent beings after all!

Why is do all the break-ups and engagements happen at the same time? I feel bad for the people who are breaking up at this time.. but I can't help but feel happy for the people who are getting married either!

I want to find a group of friends who would burst into a real life musical with me sometime!

My computer being broken is a terrible inconvenience. *sigh* It would cause songwriting to go by so much easier... plus a piano. I WANT A PIANO!!!!!!

So many books.. why aren't I reading them? Dern. School's coming. No more time... should've done it while I had it. I'll make time! Somehow!

I'm craving Chef Joyanne's amazing raw cheezecake right now! Um num num num.

Guys are awesome. Just saying.

I want to be able to use 'The Artists Way' to help me finish my novel! Idea for years, yeah I think it's time.

Manipulations gralkakljemelkd. I disliked those gongshows. You make it seem so easy to have such big lies.. don't you get tired of the masks? dlafjldfkajdlfkjasdfklad

I want so badly to break the cycle. Other people in my family have done it, so why can't I? I am the only one getting in the way of my destiny.

Ingrid Michaelson blows me away.. hey! My birthday's coming up. Someone should buy me tickets. Wait.. my birthday's coming up. Time to call O-sho's!

IwantaMacIwantaMacIwantaMacIwantaMac - because I have zero luck with technology and they're epic.

And it came to pass... that she finally found a guy worth wasting time on. =D

Ontario and Quebec seriously need to be closer. Why can't they be where the smaller towns around here are? It would be much more handy after all.

Heightened sense, psychic abilities.. woah.

Strangely enough, I have not missed my cell phone. Sure, it's an awful inconvenience, but semi... refreshing!

Two guys and a pizza place is epic.

My job was a headache today. Learning is fun, but so many things to remember!

Why can't I stop comparing myself to THOSE girls? I'm me.

I love how I'm connecting with people from my past. History often cycles, but this is dern good cycle.

Oh me oh my. That status makes me sad. 'Wake-up. Eat. Sleep. Game. Every day.' That's a sad life don't you think?

If money grew on trees, could you imagine how much worse the obesity rate would be? We would have NO reason to go out! Plus, we'd probably be lazy slobs. I vote against this invention. Something for nothing is just a cheap way out.

I have the best sister in the whole wide world!!!!!! I LOVE HER!

Patience is a virtue. I want a baby.. but Masters Degree is more important. So is more of a balance in life. Yep, baby will wait.

I will be satisfied!!!!! Just you wait.

Had lunch with one of the most amazing people in existence... plus two AMAZING people got engaged. They'll dominate the world!!!!!

"One who disagrees with everything taught, learns nothing; One who agrees with everything taught, learns much that isn't so; One who listens, gains thoughts; One who thinks, gains reasoning to agree or disagree; One who reasons, gains education; One who acts on education, gains experience; One who has experience, gains wisdom."

I am going to regret this in the morning.. man. So tired. I think it's time to end this fun, and let 'The Bee Movie' lull me to sleep. Kitten, please sleep and I shall join you.

So ends my status. Pleasant dreams.

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