Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's like Christmas!

Okay.. so here I am, jumping up and down nearly... why do you ask? I start my first day of college tomorrow.

THAT'S RIGHT! In ten hours I will be anxiously awaiting.. five minutes till class. It's been a tough road to get here, and I'm not going to stifle away this opportunity! I've put too much work and effort into this beautiful thing! It's taken time to decide what I want to do, it's taken energy and effort to study for that stupid exam.. but I'm here. Going to be taking classes. So excited! I want to document my first day. Treasure it.. soak in every moment.

You know, a lot of people start blogs because they're going on a specific adventure. Life IS my adventure and I'm going to take every moment in. I want to treat my life like every day is an adventure.

My heart is bursting with love and excitement! I've been waiting to get this far. There is a bit of fear, nervousness, but most importantly is that ounce of excitement... that treasured excitement...

This has been a remarkably great evening. Unbelievably so. I can't quite describe it.. maybe between the two hour conversation with the best friend, A we'll call her.. the email from the ex saying that he wants to be friends again, or the conversation with the boyfriend whom we'll call R.

A and I always have the most amazing conversations. Today it revolved around the changes which have taken place within us first off. When we met, we were both at places which were not concrete, not stable. The defining moments, the things we've been through have all brought us to the place where we are now. In a concrete masterpiece of a friendship of which I could've only dreamed.

That's the thing.. a lot of the things which are now happening in my life I could only thought to have been reality in my mind. It IS real. Life IS happening and it's more beautiful than ever.

9 hours and 50 minutes till school!

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