Monday, January 10, 2011

Everybody wants their story told.

As I was walking down the halls today, I heard a girl complaining to another girl about some sort of falling out, which the person wouldn't even listen to their side of the story. You could hear the emotion, the tension in her voice, and a familiar sound of sadness.. of loss..

This is not an unfamiliar story, and in fact, I think it gets worse. I think the lack of wanting to hear other people's stories, and wanting to be heard is almost funny. Everybody wants their story told. They want to be heard, but quite often we don't want to hear the other person's because it might hurt us. It might be contrary to what we think, or how we believe. Most of the time we ask for another person's opinion only to fill them with our own. If they don't agree with us, we stomp our feet at them and say 'hum bug!'

There are a few people who can get over this mindset though. There are people who can step into another person's story...

One of my favourite books as a child was 'Walk Two Moons.' It's about a young girl named Salamanca, who was a young girl who had a lot of learning to do. Her mother died, and she had to come to terms with it. In this book, she had to step into the shoes of many.. and she did it well.

Do you remember the song by Amanda something or other where it was 'Everybody has a story which can break you heart?' I don't know how many times that this has proven me right. I love it when people explain their stories.. and it's from the heart. I love seeing tears in a person's eyes, and being able to cry with them. Why? Because they felt that they could share their story with me, and I had allowed myself to listen enough to allow a way to help them out.

We all want to be heard, plain and simple. we all have these marvelous lives.. which have many paths, heartaches, rises and falls.. laughter and love.. it's life!

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