Saturday, January 15, 2011

A cheap blog, hey! Free is cheap after all.. heh.. heh.

I'm writing this, almost grudgingly. I'd much rather be writing to.. well.. R. Did I ever mention how much I hate long distance relationship? It seems to be the center of my life. All my friends from Katimavik, and now my boyfriend... at least I'll still be seeing him more once he starts getting paid. This also gives me the opportunity to do better in school because I won't have a distraction.

Lonely.. lonely.. lonely... except not really. I realize now that I have so many things around me to be thankful for. Including reasons to not be lonely. My sister is my favourite person, I have the best friend in the world.. I know I talk about this a lot, but it's still amazing to me... from where my life started, to where my life is now... I never thought it would be like this. In some ways that's good, in some ways my former self would have freaked out and gone 'no way! No way things are going to be like that!' Now that I've seen how I've come here, it's so different. It's sooo different, but I'm glad it is.

School is amazing! Again, I can't emphasize it enough. Now, in my spare time, I research. I've been looking at TED video's all day. I could put an entire blog post about those entirely. Although if I did at this current point, I would seem a huge hypocrite considering most of them have to do with technology. Most - ha - all. Everything does seem to have to do with technology.. this is why I'm thinking about doing my psychology paper on it. That's for later days. I'm sure either way my researching papers will be going on here.

Researching is fun because I get new ideas - but I'm really looking forward to my classes so that I get new thoughts and thought processes. My Ethics teacher has said that students have tried to not learn anything in the class, because ultimately it ends up showing where you stand as a good or bad human being. This is under the presumption of course, that we are all good, which is already a point I disagree with. Will my ego be higher than wanting knowledge? Probably. I'm going to try and look at it with an open mind though.

So it's my books which keep me company. I'm getting a headache from being on the computer, so as much as I want to wait for R, it's time to shut this machine off.

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