Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of college - have to document!

So it's here - it's really happening - and this is not a dream. I just went to my first day of college, a day which I cannot repeat and so I feel the need to document it. Some people might think I'm crazy for being so excited about something that most people dread so much. Here's the thing, education and learning are probably my favourite parts about life. Those are the things which drive me for a hope for a better life. I feel like a broken record when I talk about how much I love education, but really why else were we placed here but to learn? Isn't learning kind of the whole point? School is just a more focused central point where there is oodles of information available in one place, at set times under a set structure. That's all school is.

My first class was Ethics. It's a philosophy class. Philia - love Sophia - wisdom so the literal translation of philosophy is 'love of wisdom'... = YESSSSSSS! Hurray! This certainly describes me. The teacher opened the class by showing us a cover to a book:

He then asked us to tell him what the two errors were. I, personally could not find anything until the entire class was doing the exercise together. He asked one boy to read the title out loud. I didn't realize how much the mind tends to play tricks on us, for I completely skipped the fact that there are two 'the's' in the title. My mind assumed that there was just one the, as I'm sure most of us would. It was frustrating to not be able to see it.

He went on to tell us about the mindset we need to go into this class with. We need to open our minds, and to put a long story short, question everything! Our perceptions will naturally change and we will start to see the way we work in our own ethics. The more we know, the more we know that we know nothing. Basically, I'm more than ecstatic for this class! I love the teacher, the content.. and I'm looking forward to what this class has to offer!

Then I had a two hour break. I thought it would be long, but it really wasn't. I got to talk to R, and another friend whom I haven't talked to in a long time. It was semi-frustrating because I was trying to figure out the website for the school so that I could actually see the assignment that I needed to read! Luckily I figured it out. It's cool to see the different kinds of people around the college. People I haven't seen for a long time, people from different countries, people trying to offer summer jobs and just help the students out. It feels very homey at the college, which is probably a good thing considering I'm probably going to have my second home at the college!

Then I had my psychology course. My teacher was a police officer, and you can definitely tell. He has a 'let get down to business!' not to defeat the huns, but let's get the schoolwork done type attitude. The last police officer who I got a lecture from was one of the most inspiring people I've ever met, therefore I'm looking forward to time with him and seeing his personality more. Psychology is a course which makes me excited yet nervous. We have to write a research paper unlike anything I've ever done before, yet it won't be too terribly difficult all at the same time. He says that he's going to be spoon feeding us information, how to do well on the tests, etc.

Psychology of course is completely interesting. I must admit that I let out a little bit of a sigh when he yet again mentioned that this course IS going to have some science in it. I tried to make myself excited for that part of it. The brain mechanics are a part of the learning of psychology. I'm not as nervous for this course as I originally was though. We learned different types of testing to do. All sorts of professions need psychology just to understand the brain mechanics behind a person.

Oh so much information! My brain is on overload, and this was kind of relieving to write. I did meet some new people, learned some new things, and look forward to doing this again in the morning except with new classes!


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