Monday, April 11, 2011


I'm having kind of a hard time adjusting to the changes that I want to make. I'm thinking that instead of being active on this blog, I should either start blogging more on my sparkpeople page, or that I should start a new blog altogether. I mean, technically I don't even know if I'm the only one reading what I'm writing even?

This week is kind of sad. I finish my classes, and I'm finding that this semester I have a lot of regret. I didn't do nearly as well as I should've, nor as well as I know I could've done. My teachers were incredible and I feel like in a lot of ways I just took advantage of who they are. They really wanted me to succeed and I feel like I just took advantage of everything they had to offer me. I didn't go to class today, and it was the last opportunity to enjoy my favourite teacher in one of the classes. Next semester I'm not going to have him, and he really did inspire me to do better. I do feel like I failed, just because I didn't do as well as I could've this semester.

That being said, next semester is going to be a lot better. I didn't fail this semester, and I don't believe I've completely failed any of my courses. You know what that means?

I'll have another chance.

My other goals are in line so that I'll have many different chances at many different things. The scary part is that sometimes there's not opportunity for second chances. It's hard to change, but I do not want my life to be like this past semester. I do not want to look back on it and think that I could've done better. There's always things that could be better, but knowing that I could've changed my own outcome... that's the worst feeling in the world.

I have a long way to go. I think most importantly right now is the fact that I have a boyfriend who loves me every step of the way. He's supportive and loving, and so wonderful. I know that I talk about him a lot, but in a lot of ways he amazes me in each and every way. Especially when I'm going through rough transitional points like this. I am the luckiest girl.

1 comment:

  1. I read! I read every post you make. I'm just not a very good commenter(is that even a word?) Please keep letting me read your thoughts. :-) You always give me something to ponder.
