Thursday, April 19, 2012

The illusion of empty.

Life is full of loss. There's death, loss of friends, jobs... you name it, it's happened. Often when one of these things happen, we feel empty. I, like many, have gotten caught in this.

You know the feeling. Feeling empty, like you can't be happy without that thing/person, going through what could've been done better, regret sinks in.. you beat yourself up... and so many other things. There are moments of happiness, and then the emptiness sinks in. This feeling continues until you find another tragedy to fill the void.

I realize this isn't the case for all, but it's an easy cycle to get caught up in. You know what the ironic part is? Often we forget to do the things which would fill the emptiness. For me it's singing, spending time with my partner, writing, exercising.. getting in touch with who I am again. It's easy to get caught in a cycle of sadness when you're ignoring the things that make your life valuable, which give it substance.

So what is empty? Empty is an illusion. As long as we're alive, as long as we have a soul, we can be full. We just have to choose to fill it! If you leave a gas tank for long enough, it'll empty.. but you can refill it! Even if you have to push the car up a hill to get it to some gas, you can refill it. Much is the same with our emotions. When something is lost, we refill it. We are all but a part of energy - source. Energy is never empty. When something dies, there is always something to replace it even before it dies. We can create ourselves this way too!

Here's what's been happening to me: I've taken loss, and turned it into a gift. It's now something I can channel into something to make my life more beautiful. There is no reason to regret, for without these experiences I couldn't learn.. and without learning.. that is when life would be empty. Truly, hauntingly empty.

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