Thursday, April 12, 2012

How can we define what's natural?

What is natural? How do we define it and is it really natural? Do you define natural by what you're told in your religious beliefs, what we read from books and with so much technology how do we know what really is natural?

How linked are we? Our ancestors knew how to cultivate land, and if you go back far enough they knew how to completely sustain themselves. Now, we go to a store where our food is packaged in plastic because we're worried about contamination. The irony of that is the likelihood of that food being tampered with, wither it's been genetically motified or grown with pesticides we don't really know.

In an age where we have so much information, we seem to be just as oblivious as others. Food is just one of the many examples of one thing that we don't know about, nor do we care to know about. A really eye-opening film was the documentary Earthlings. Whether you eat meat or not, I believe it's important to realize that the meat you eat, the products that you have do not come from a store. It's easy to get desensitized to that. Then people will say that it's natural to eat meat. I promise it's not natural though. Why do you think that animals who hunt don't plastic wrap their food when they're done?

This phenomena of our detachment to the earth (yes, this is the stance I take... that we are detached from mother earth) is spreading. Widely. In many ways it's beautiful. For us to be able to work together is, in many ways, getting easier. Each person has their role and because of that we have the opportunity to go farther than ever possible. We can create so many things because we have people who are willing to do the work which we need to do to survive, so as long as we're willing to pay them for it. We have people who can farm our food, deliver it to stores, and generally have it be a reasonable price. It's a one stop location instead of hours of work per day. We have laundry machines which cut down our time doing laundry. We can send shirts to pressers to press them instead of having to do it ourselves.. in many ways, we're spoiled. It makes for an easier life.

My sadness draws from the fact that because we can have practically anything we want, whenever we want so as long as we pay the price (and sometimes not even) we become so busy that we detach not only from earth, but from each other. It's much easier to send a text to a person than see them face to face, and in fact it's done that way more and more often. It's becoming a very 'me' society. Did you know that in some societies there wasn't even the word "I"? It was always 'we'.

Who are we to define what is natural? Truly? We buy food wrapped in plastic, and even wrap ourselves in plastic clothing. The rest of this blog might be more touchy... but the thing I find the the most sad, is that we've disconnected ourselves from touch...

Let me explain myself. There is absolutely NO lack of promiscuous, meaningless sex. It's a natural functon, a natural drive. There is a lack of being in touch with each other. We get individual seats on bus's so that we don't have to interact with people. As I've said, we'd rather text people than get to know the people around us. Perhaps that's why it's easy to talk to people like they're objects, but that's a topic for another day. There IS a fear of allowing ourselves to be TOUCHED! By that, I mean a fear of truly opening up. To seeing sexuality as beauty. As it is a natural drive, how could it not be? Even in today's open society (in most instances). I know lots who are afraid to truly let it touch them. For when someone allows themselves to open up that way, it leaves room to be hurt. All of a sudden it lets people see the real you... and THAT'S scary. Anyone can be promisuous, it takes a strong soul to be able to deeply entwine with someone...

Touch is natural. It's one of the few natural parts of life left. It shouldn't matter if it's male, female, gay, lesbian who express their love for each other in a sexual manner. Life is all about love.. and that, my friends, is natural.

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