Monday, June 7, 2010


You're probably reading the title and thinking 'well, why can't you just pick up a book then?' because I'm afraid of it. Yes, the stupidest thing ever, that I'm afraid of picking up a book. Why? Because I know that I will be sucked into a world that doesn't seem possible right now. Places where people become something, places where broken hearts get healed, places where villains are set straight and peace can be made...

I know that this world does exist, and for seconds in my life I feel that I know why God has put certain things in my path, bur right now I don't understand. I JUST DON'T.

I need reading. If for nothing else but the hope that other people have come out of these types of situations.. to learn things... to feel free again. Funny that reading gives me a sense of freedom, but it definitely does. For whatever reasons, reading helps to make sense of life. It's easier to figure out problems, it's easier to live.

Now to just get the motivation to read.

Because this blog is named "... then move forward.", and I feel as though I've hit a dead end. I keep on trying to get out of the dead end, and going back into it.


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