Sunday, February 6, 2011

101 in 1001.

101 in 1001.

1. Legally change my name
2. Record my CD
3. Get an A in school
4. Go to sleep at ten every day for a month.
5. Get my Learners
6. Write my complete story of that one phase of life.
7. Have my birthday party.
8. Do a drum circle.
9. Make a big commitment and stick to it for at least six months.
10. Learn to play an f properly on a guitar and learn finger picking.
11. Move out
12. Read ‘When Prophecy Fails’ by Leon Fester
13. Finish the rest of the tunes for the songs I’ve written.
14. Write my novel.
15. Read a book a week until the semester ends.
16. Choreograph a dance
17. Have a ‘talk to strangers’ day and write an entry on it.
18. Dance with bubbles surrounding me.
19. Read ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’
20. Have elbow-length hair again.
21. Participate in a photoshoot.
22. Do a photoshoot.
23. Write a poem on subject matter I don’t usually write about.
24. Sleep under the star.
25. Draw a picture of my soul.
26. Change my habits to such so that I lose the rest of my access weight (approx 40 pounds)
27. Read “Don Quixote”
28. Learn how to cook a super good meal and serve it to someone.
29. Do 20 minutes of meditation every day for a month.
30. Have an intelligent conversation about something not involving religion.
31. Start picking up French again.
32. Write thank you letters (yes, actual letters) to those who have inspired me.
33. Have an incredibly girly moment.
34. Go on a planned date.
35. Be surprised by someone. (it’s bound to happen)
36. Do something that I didn’t think I could do with my body
37. Wake up at 6 am every day for a week.
38. Keep a journal and write at least once a week. Keep an idea book and write an idea whenever ideas happen!
39. Be a gypsy for Halloween
40. Buy a tambourine or an African drum.
41. Learn how to fire dance.
42. Do yoga every morning while I’m in school.
43. Hold a poetry cafe and get people to perform.
44. Have a girls night
45. Get my learners!
46. Start talking to someone like I’ve known them for years, when I’ve only just met them.
47. Write a letter. Just a letter.
48. Look at myself in the mirror for an hour, and write about the experience afterward.
49. Learn how to get past this annoying part in my game.
50. Create a game.
51. Read the “Lord of the Rings”
52. Becoming really, really excited about something, showing absolute enthusiasm, and having it be for something like brushing my teeth.
53. Post all my favourite quotes around my room.
54. Clean my room every day for a month. (It takes thirty days to make a habit. =P )
55. Spend only 20 minutes on facebook every day for two months.
56. Fall helplessly in love with something.
57. Keep a dream journal for a month.
58. Go raw!
59. Meet my best friend.
60. Do a video on leaving the church.
61. Have a fun day with Amy!
62. Have lunch with someone dear to me.
63. Do one thing which is super hard.
64. Refer to things in third person for an half hour.
65. Finish the ‘Enders Game Series’
66. Write a magazine of the top things I’m interested in, and have it look published
67. Get my blogs bound into a blog book like Laura’s.
68. Organize and dejunk my room.
69. Babysit for someone
70. Watch the rest of the ‘Avatar’ series
72. Watch the rest of “Full Metal Alchemist”
73. Have a movie marathon night.
74. Watch ‘The Godfather’
75. Do a dance at sunset
76. See one of my cousins.
77. Try to get Metis status
78. Receive my letter saying that I’m officially done with the religious label.
79. Make a music video.
80. See someone I haven’t seen in a long time.
81. Fall asleep cuddling.
82. Get a mac computer
83. Face a truth that’s hard to face.
84. Go swimming in a lake.
85. Go for a walk with a friend.
86. Do a proper monkey stand.
87. Create a line dance.
88. Make up a game.
89. Get rid of my D and D figurine.
90. Make a present for the five people I’m supposed to and send it off.
91. Write a short story which is so symbolical that nobody would be able to tell except for me what it’s about.
92. Find money on the ground.
93. Try sudoku
94. Plan a date with my sister.
95. Go to a beautiful place and photograph it.
96. Write a theory and back it up whole-heartedly.
97. Go to a wedding.
98. Go to a martial arts class.
99. Write a schedule.
100. Finish the 90 day thing on facebook.
101. Write a completely blissful happy song
about how wonderful life is.
Start date: February 8, 2011
Finish date: Monday, November 4, 2013

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