Sunday, September 25, 2011

Storm before the calm

I haven't written in a long time. My life has fallen apart, sunk, and probably been the best thing that's ever happened. My loveliest love and I left our home with two weeks notice, without jobs, with only a place and a bit of support as a security, which is unlike anything I've done in my life. There were days were we weren't sure where we were going to find our next meal, but somehow we've pulled through. I can promise that without him, I never would've gotten anywhere.

It's been an adventure. It's harder to take advantage of the things that I have in the past, because now I realize I'm better off than I thought.

Now, it's harder to turn people away who are in need, because I understand what it's like, and that's something that I thought I could say before, but it's not until now that I can. I found this song the other day, and it made me happy. So inspiring. I believe we've finally hit the calm. Just a bit more, and we'll make it.

There's misfortune, and unfortunately a whole world of people who aren't wiling to take people through their storms. Without each other nobody would make it anywhere.

Moving was the best thing that happened, though, because now I'm more able to get over the things that I never was. All the things that were haunting me I'm starting to come through. I'm starting to really experience life, love and figure out what I want without anybody else's influence.

This is a time of love, learning and laughter. Thank goodness.

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