Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just let life flow, like water.

Since my decision to leave the church, I've been working really hard to try to rebuild my core. I'm keeping my sense of spirituality with things that I actually believe in. One of those things that I've continued to adopt is meditation.

I use to think of meditation the way they portray it in movies, where you cross your legs, stick your arms on them and say 'umm..' In the past couple of years I've realized that meditation is so much more than that. To me meditation means peace.

Today I found myself meditating in all places, the shower. Somehow the contrast between hot and cold was able to get me thinking in beauty. I've always felt a deep connection to water. The way that water moves through this life is so beautiful. After studying the cycles of water, and knowing the way that water feels on my body, the connection is bound.

Do you ever get the feeling like you're trying to be told something? It was as though standing in that water, switching between hot and cold, I was being told just to let my life flow. Life sometimes is hot, and sometimes it is cold. It will shock you at first, but then it will just feel good. Eventually you'll enjoy them so much that you won't want to get out. The cold doesn't feel so cold anymore, it just adds on to happiness. The cold is no longer something to be feared, but an opportunity for growth and development.

It was interesting being in the shower. My thoughts began to flow as water. Faces that have come, faces that have gone, and the peace that I felt despite these gains and losses. My immense love began to be felt through the water trickling down my face, my love of music, love, my physical body, people, and a love for the creator. Instead of trying to explain my life away, I'm just going to live. Everything always works itself out in the end. Instead of trying to fight the storm, I just want to dance in the rain.

Have you ever heard of the cultures where they change their names as they fit? I'm adopting a chosen name. Kotarah Soleil. Kotarah shall mean flow of water, and Soleil is French for sunshine. It may seem strange that I'm putting the two together, but water always flows to sunshine. That is the way I want my life to be. I want my life to always flow to the sun.

So far, I think I'm on the right path. A very beautiful path. It's nice to have a spiritual sense back again. One that feels real to me.

For now this is my theme for life. Just let life flow, like water.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I noticed you posted a comment on my blog and I didn't realize who it was!

    Thanks for the comment!

    I am curious to hear your story if you want to share, obviously its rather new I suppose? Well I wanted to reply to your message on my blog but I dont know the best way to do it, so I will just do it here:

    I would argue against truth bringing happiness to an extent. For instance, it can be true that your boyfriend is cheating on you, perhaps you could be oblivious to it, but you are happier without knowing. But wouldn't you rather know the truth so that you can base your life off of reality rather than a lie? Anyway, something to think about. Bye for now!
